We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull.
George Orwell
The skulls they leave behind tell the tale of many battles
Featured Image by Bob Dahlberg
Number of Images
We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull.
George Orwell
The skulls they leave behind tell the tale of many battles
Featured Image by Bob Dahlberg
Entries are submitted by photographers worldwide. Please be accepting and aware of interpretations and cultural values that may differ from what you find acceptable or normal. We are here to learn, support, and push ourselves creatively. Out of the box thinking is highly encouraged.
TOWEL Winners of the Towel Category Featured Image by Patt DicksonPeter Nguyen 1st • Patt Dickson2nd • Sheryl Salisbury3rd • Andy SavageHonorable...
DINER Winners of the Diner Category Featured Image by Gernot GlaeserPeter Nguyen 1st • Sivani Boxall2nd • Dianne Maguire3rd • Walter DuvallHonorable...
THUMB Winners of the Thumb Category Featured Image by Lauri NovakPeter Nguyen 1st • Dianne Maguire2nd • Doug DeLong3rd • Lauri NovakHonorable...