The Moon Album Winners

Thank you to our judges for all of their hard work picking winners for the Scavenger Hunt. 

Winners by Judges: 


Gilmar Smith

First: Maayan Windmuller

Second: Joanna Koziara

Third: Kathy Broad

Honorable Mentions: Mark Rodriguez, Stephen Maddox, Randy Scherkenbach, Matthieu Oostveen, Mary Presson Roberts

Sandra Parlow

First: Mark Rodriguez

Second: Dave DeBaeremaeker

Third: Mark Flinders

Honorable Mentions: Chris Goldthorpe, Matthieu Oostveen, Bea Blousson, Rob Masters, Jeff Smith

Rita Zietsma

First: Dave DeBaeremaeker

Second: Samantha O’brien

Third: Melissa Leda

Honorable Mentions: Stephen Maddox, Mary Presson Roberts, Angela Migliore, Dana Finster, Klint Krebs

Robin Griggs Wood

First: Jamuna Burry

Second: Mark Rodriguez

Third: Isabelle Cardinal

Honorable Mentions: Shari Seibold, Michal Voros, Dave DeBaeremaeker, Bryan Sherman, Joanna Koziara