Round 40 Overall Winner
Michal Vörös!!!!
Judge’s Winners
R40 Judge Stacey, Dave, and Sandy’s Winner
Judge Dave, Stacey, & Sandy's Overall Winner is Michal Vörös!
R40 Judge Patti Cherry’s Winner
Judge Patti Cherry's Overall Winner is Eva Ryan!
Category Winners
R40 Category Winners – Celebrate
CELEBRATE Winners of the Celebrate Category Featured Image by Maayan WindmullerPatti Cherry 1st • Walter Duvall2nd • Gernot Glaeser3rd • Rebekah LarsonHonorable Mentions: • Dianne Maguire • Patt Dickson • Heather Szarka • Muriel Forget • Debbie ClaytonSandy Davis 1st...
R40 Category Winners – Location
LOCATION Winners of the Location Category Featured Image by Joanna KoziaraPatti Cherry 1st • Julie Mattson2nd • Debbie DeBaeremaeker3rd • Gernot GlaeserHonorable Mentions: • Heather Szarka • Sarah B Wolfe • Frances Vugteveen • Debbie Clayton • Karin DemuthSandy Davis...
R40 Category Winners – Family
FAMILY Winners of the Family Category Featured Image by Tony SmithPatti Cherry 1st • Gernot Glaeser2nd • Pat Kight3rd • Eva RyanHonorable Mentions: • Laurie Aiello • Heather Szarka • Diane Sanford • Michal Vörös • Sarah B WolfeSandy Davis 1st • Frances Vugteveen2nd •...
R40 Category Winners – Chosen
CHOSEN Winners of the Chosen Category Featured Image by Dianne WegnerPatti Cherry 1st • Walter Duvall2nd • Julie Wall3rd • Frances VugteveenHonorable Mentions: • Laura Mcleod • Joanna Koziara • Tammy Eplingl • Wendy Tymchyshyn • Karen DunhamSandy Davis 1st • Michal...
R40 Category Winners – POP
POP Winners of the Pop Category Featured Image by Bob DahlbergPatti Cherry 1st • Julie Wall2nd • Dana Finster3rd • Debbie ClaytonHonorable Mentions: • Eva Ryan Melanie • Osterholm • Mary Wardel • Michal Vörös • Patt DicksonSandy Davis 1st • Laurie Aiello2nd • Rebekah...
R40 Category Winners – Ruby
RUBY Winners of the Ruby Category Featured Image by Kathleen KentPatti Cherry 1st • Pat Kight2nd • Eva Ryan3rd • Rebekah LarsonHonorable Mentions: • Frances Vugteveen • Ariel Kasten • Andrea Savage • Kevin Epling • Stephen MaddoxSandy Davis 1st • Michal Vörös2nd •...
R40 Category Winners – History
HISTORY Winners of the History Category Featured Image by Walter DuvallPatti Cherry 1st • Samantha O'Brien2nd • Elsie Johnston3rd • Mary WardellHonorable Mentions: • Heather Szarka • Laurie Aiello • Bob Dahlberg • Charlotte Thérèse Björnström • Andrea SavageSandy...
R40 Category Winners – Group
GROUP Winners of the Group Category Featured Image by Michal VörösPatti Cherry 1st • Eva Ryan2nd • Cora Triton3rd • Ariel KastenHonorable Mentions: • Bretta Elmore • Pat Kight • Stephen Maddox • Dianne Wegner • Sivani BoxallSandy Davis 1st • Michal Vörös2nd • Annie...
R40 Category Winners – Pet
PET Winners of the Pet Category Featured Image by Samantha O'BrienPatti Cherry 1st • Dianne Wegner2nd • Dana Finster3rd • Cora TritonHonorable Mentions: • Annie Petrick • Bob Dahlberg • Tammy Epling • Chris Allen • Debbie ClaytonSandy Davis 1st • Joanna Koziara2nd •...
R40 Category Winners – Mum
MUM Winners of the MUM Category Featured Image by Marilyn BenhamPatti Cherry 1st • Isabelle Cardinal2nd • Ariel Kasten3rd • Kathleen KentHonorable Mentions: • Alex Bellanger • Sarah B Wolfe • Mary Wardell • Tammy Epling • Joanna KoziaraSandy Davis 1st • Michal...
All Round 40 Winners
The gallery below consists of all the images that earned a nod from the judges.
Congratulations again to all that participated and made the Judge’s job so tough!

R40 All the Winners
ALL WINNING IMAGES Want to see all the winning images from Round 40 in one spot? Here they are. Congratulations to everyone! Featured Image by Amy Diaz
Category Reveals
Round 40 Reveals – Celebrate
CELEBRATE Scavengers found so many ways to celebrate during this round. "Instead of hate, celebrate." Prince As always, Scavengers are free to interpret the word however they wish. Featured Image by Angie Smith
Round 40 Reveals – Location
LOCATION Need inspiration for travel? Check out the delightful locations in this album. “Are you guys really arguing over where to eat dinner?""It's one of the more savage tools in the diplomatic arsenal.” ― Howard Tayler, Emperor Pius Dei As always, Scavengers are...
Round 40 Reveals – Ruby
RUBY The color albums are a delightful visual treat! Ruby did not disappoint. After a day of cloud and wind and rain Sometimes the setting sun breaks out again, And touching all the darksome woods with light, Smiles on the fields until they laugh and sing, Then like a...
Round 40 Reveals – Mum
MUM What do you think of when you see the word mum? Is it a flower? To keep a secret? Your mom? Something else? "Chrysanthemums symbolize youth, loyalty, love, passion, friendship, and get-well-wishes in Chinese and Japanese cultures. Buddhism says that chrysanthemums...
Round 40 Reveals – Group
GROUP Choose wisely and enjoy looking through this album. Freedom and justice cannot be parceled out in pieces to suit political convenience. I don't believe you can stand for freedom for one group of people and deny it to others. - Coretta Scott King As always,...
Round 40 Reveals – Chosen
CHOSEN Choose wisely and enjoy looking through this album. You have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have. J. R. R. Tolkien As always, Scavengers are free to interpret the word however they wish. Featured Image by Annie...
Round 40 Reveals – Pop
POP How many meanings of the word Pop can you think of? Jenny played keyboard, Johnny played drums,Called Little Baby and a big BonhommeEverybody tell me have you heard? Pop Goes The World. -Men without Hats As always, Scavengers are free to interpret the word however...
Round 40 Reveals – History
HISTORY The next album features History - see history in the making as well as history from long ago. “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history." Aldous Huxley As always, Scavengers are free to...
Round 40 Reveals – Family
FAMILY The next album is a celebration of the word Family. “My dear young cousin, if there's one thing I've learned over the eons, it's that you can't give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it.” ― Rick Riordan As always, Scavengers are free to...
Round 40 Reveals – Pet
PET Round 40 was all about remembering happy times - family, friends, and travels. The first album is a celebration of the word Pet. As always, Scavengers are free to interpret the word however they wish. Not all pets are soft and cuddly! Featured Image by Dana...
Meet The Judges
We are always grateful for the time and care our judges take.
Please have a look at their bios and visit their websites for more inspiration and incredible photography knowledge.
After years of painting, I’ve learned how to ditch my inner critic and laugh at my ego. Gratefully I finally realized creating art is my passion and have devoted my life to that passion.
I paint Florals because life is tenuous. Flowers remind us we are only here a short time and to enjoy it.
I paint Nature because nature heals. Many in urban areas are disconnected from the natural world. My paintings help maintain that connection.
I paint Abstracts because they change as you change. Collectors of my art tell me every time they look at my abstracts they see it in a new way. Abstracts are mood rings for your space. They reflect your emotions and surprise you with what your subconscious mind may be pondering.
For me, art is life and life is about art.
Dave DeBaeremaeker
I’ve been a participant in the hunt since round 5, and I liked it so much I stuck around for a while. Actually, thanks to the hunt I developed my own style as a toy photographer. I love telling stories, and using action figures and other toys allows me to fully explore my imagination and bring it to life. I started with LEGO minifigures and soon transitioned over to 6″ and 12″ action figures. Slowly over time as I got deeper into the hobby I started enhancing the toys I bought from the store with props and dioramas I made in my studio. At this stage almost every photo I take in my studio has some homemade component, and some of my more recent work is entirely created with backgrounds I created and figures I have 3D printed and painted.
I have a day job as a Site Reliability Engineer for a large Internet advertising agency, and I do toy photography on the evenings and weekends as a hobby. Creating my own art is a wonderful way to relax and unwind, and get away from all the annoyances and craziness of the modern world.
Along the way I studied photography under the mentorship of Ron Clifford at The Arcanum Academy of Artistic Mastery, a digital school created by Trey Ratcliff. Otherwise I am self taught, and self driven. Something must have stuck as I managed to win the Photoshopworld Guru Award in the composite category in 2019.
I have also moonlighted as a photography instructor for KelbyOne. My first class, an Intro To Toy Photography, was self-recorded in my studio during the COVID-19 pandemic. After that recording was completed I realized that I had accumulated all the gear I needed to start making my own videos. So to learn more about video production I started my own YouTube channel, called Studio Dave, where each video covers the various projects I work on in my studio every week. Making videos has been a nice addition to the creative process, and has given me reasons to get even more gear, and who doesn’t like more gear?
This year I have published a book about miniature photography! you can order it here: Amazon
Stacey Moore
Stacey Moore is an interdisciplinary visual artist, designer and metalsmith based in Los Angeles. Moore is self-taught and has won multiple awards for art, graphic design, web engineering, and leadership. Her metal works have sold at leading jewelry galleries and retail stores including SFMOMA Museum Store and The Guggenheim Store. She is a member of the Los Angeles Art Association and the National Association of Women Artists.
Sandy Davis
Sandra began her love of photography in the late 60s when she borrowed a camera for a photography class and began capturing her surroundings. She found refuge from the petty wars of high school by feeling her way in a darkened room, spooling film into a black box and watching images magically appear in the developer. Many years later she no longer spools film or seeks refuge from high school. Instead, she’s moved on to capturing digital images and developing in a digital darkroom. The Pandemic caused her to pursue creativity inside her home and backyard. As a result, many of her images are self-portraits. She finds it’s easier, as the subject knows what the photographer wants and works cheaply. She is most creative when participating in photography scavenger hunts where she can interpret and photograph words in any way she chooses.
Sandra resides in Hercules, California with her husband, a dog and a very unfriendly cat.