Round 24 Dream Team Picks – Forced Perspective
1st Place: Chris Goldthorpe
2nd Place: Rita Zietsma
3rd Place: 2-way tie – Alan Bland, Shari Seibold
4th Place: Steve Defeo, Bette Kauffman, Cathy Donohoue, Heather Szarka, Michael Bukraba, Kris Kowalewski, Stuart Vivian, Robin Cohen, Mike Kerr, Dawn Ellen Miller, Ginnie Lerch, Ande S, Windy Sawczyn, Wesley Jones, Stephen Maddox
Fabulous picks! Congratulations everyone. Well done ?
Fabulous work everyone!!!! Congrats!!
Congratulation to everyone and thanks judges!
Congrats to all the winners, and thank you Dream Team for including mine!
Great work everyone and congrats! Thanks Dream Team for including mine ?
Fabulous choices! Congratulations, everyone!
Well done everyone! … and thanks very much for the selection Dream Team.
Congratulations to all! Great work!
Wow, I can’t believe it? Thanks so much Dream Team!!!!! Everyone GREAT JOB!!!!!
Great job everyone.
Congratulations! this was a fun one.