The Quarter Album Winners
Thank you to our judges for all of their hard work picking winners for the Scavenger Hunt.
Winners by Judges:
Gilmar Smith
First: Stephen Maddox
Second: Dave DeBaeremaeker
Third: Wes Jones
Honorable Mentions: Piotr Edelman, Mark Flinders, Cathy Lovell, Eric Stoliker, Alex Bellanger
Sandra Parlow
First: Dave DeBaeremaeker
Second: Wes Jones
Third: Mark Flinders
Honorable Mentions: Stephen Maddox, Chris Goldthorpe, Eric Stoliker, Paul Howard, Traci Asaurus
Rita Zietsma
First: Wes Jones
Second: Patricia dos Santos Paton
Third: Dave DeBaeremaeker
Honorable Mentions: Melissa Leda, Mary Wardell, Chris Goldthorpe, Alan Bland, Stephen Maddox
Robin Griggs Wood
First: Chris Goldthorpe
Second: Wes Jones
Third: Lisa Long
Honorable Mentions: Sharon Ragner, Rick Baker, Piotr Edelman, Patricia dos Santos Paton, Debbie DeBaeremaeker