Round 33 Winners – Green

November 16, 2021


Winners of the Green Photography Category

Featured Image by Kim Pemberton

Number of Images

Robin Griggs Wood

1st • Kris Kowalewski

2nd • Diana Brown

3rd • Sandy Davis

Honorable Mentions • Amy G • Stefan Riss • Kathy Broad • Kim Pemberton • June McNeil

Yosef Adest

1st • Kim Pemberton

2nd • Jane Iverson Ross

3rd • Lucille Galleli     

Honorable Mentions • Marilyn Benham • Chris Goldthorpe • Lisa Long • Nancy Levan • Kris Kowalewski

Ron Clifford

1st •  Diana Brown

2nd • Lisa Long

3rd • Kim Pemberton

Honorable Mentions • Frances Schermers Vugteveen • Jenny Loren • Stefan Riss • Lucille Galleli • Shelby Galvin

Yvette van Teeffelen

1st • Jenny Loren

2nd • Kim Pemberton

3rd •  Stefan Riss

Honorable Mentions • Bryan Sherman • June McNeil • Debbie DeBaeremaeker • Kirsten Barry • Rita Zietsma

Elizabeth Hahn

1st •  Kim Pemberton

2nd •  Kathleen Kent

3rd • Stefan Riss

Honorable Mentions • Bethany Plonski • Debbie DeBaeremaeker • June McNeil • Lucille Galleli • Rita Zietsma

Entries are submitted by photographers worldwide. Please be accepting and aware of interpretations and cultural values that may differ from what you find acceptable or normal. We are here to learn, support, and push ourselves creatively. Out of the box thinking is highly encouraged.


  • To search the album by photographer’s name use the search bar at the head of the album view.
  • To see images at higher resolution, click on any thumbnail to open up the slideshow view.
  • In slideshow view leave comments by clicking on the caption button below each image.
  • View on a desktop computer for the best experience.

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  1. Anonymous

    Yay Kim! Great cover!
    Such a great album of winners & hm’s.
    You amaze me!

  2. Rita

    Thanks so much for the HMs Yvette and Elizabeth – very much appreciated.
    Congrats to all the winners. A fabulous album.

  3. alex

    Congratulations Guys


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