Round 33 Reveals – Backlight

November 12, 2021


It’s time to throw a little BACK LIGHT on our reveals. Check out how our Scavengers approached this technical photography challenge.

Featured Image by Alex Bellanger


Number of Images


Entries are submitted by photographers worldwide. Please be accepting and aware of interpretations and cultural values that may differ from what you find acceptable or normal. We are here to learn, support, and push ourselves creatively. Out of the box thinking is highly encouraged.


  • To search the album by photographer’s name use the search bar at the head of the album view.
  • To see images at higher resolution, click on any thumbnail to open up the slideshow view.
  • In slideshow view leave comments by clicking on the caption button below each image.
  • View on a desktop computer for the best experience.

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  1. Alex Bellanger

    Wow Thank you Guys! I am very honored that my Photo was chosen to be featured !

  2. Peggy

    Great cover shot Alex!

  3. Fran V

    Finally, a bigger screen for viewing – and this album is glorious! Congratulations to Alex for the beautiful cover.

  4. Fran V

    But now I’m getting the stupid “loading” symbol . 😢 Maybe tomorrow it will work?

  5. Peggy

    What a brilliant final reveal (before the grid).
    I learned so much this round.
    These pictures are bold & colorful!
    I really enjoyed all of them!💕


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