Round 34 Reveals – Macro

March 5, 2022


I think the world is going to be saved by millions of small things.
— Pete Seeger

True Macro photography is defined images having a 1:1 magnification ratio (or greater). That means the size of the object in the plane of focus is the same as the image sensor size in the camera. Basically it’s reproducing objects at life size. (For a more detailed explanation head over here to a great article)

Scavengers are free to interpret all categories any way they wish of course. And they interpreted Macro in so many wonderful and creative ways. Please have a look!

Featured Image by Mark Flinders

Macro was nominated by Andrea Savage

Number of Images


Entries are submitted by photographers worldwide. Please be accepting and aware of interpretations and cultural values that may differ from what you find acceptable or normal. We are here to learn, support, and push ourselves creatively. Out of the box thinking is highly encouraged.


  • To search the album by photographer’s name use the search bar at the head of the album view.
  • To see images at higher resolution, click on any thumbnail to open up the slideshow view.
  • In slideshow view leave comments by clicking on the caption button below each image.
  • View on a desktop computer for the best experience.

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1 Comment

  1. peggy

    What a great MACRO album. My favorite cover model too.
    I am full of joy after viewing each of these. I’ve regained some eyesight
    & could take my time to enjoy each entry. I am humbled by the creativity
    that exists here. I learn something new every round.


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