Jun 19, 2019 | BTS, Hunt Tips & Tricks, Inspiration
Eric Raeber made a fantastic cohesive series of 26 images for the 25th Round of the Scavenger Hunt. In the video below he discusses how placing a constraint (or constraints) on your art kick starts your...
Jun 8, 2019 | Hunt Tips & Tricks
Long time Scavenger Greg Kerr wrote a nice post about how he approaches each hunt. Take a look here, as well as browsing his website to take a look at his past Hunt...
Jan 13, 2019 | Hunt Tips & Tricks
A Guest Blog Post by veteran Scavenger Dave DeBaeremaeker “Therefore, I get the list as soon as possible so I can start procrastination right way.” Dave Turning Words Into ArtSo, you’ve just been given a list of 7 words, and you need to turn those words into...