And the name of the Blog is….

And the name of the Blog is….

Thank you to everyone who voted!! In the runoff election the winner, by a landslide, is “Scavenger Scoop”.  Thank you Robin Griggs Wood for the awesome write-in vote!   Dave DeBaermaeker The Scoop's first Guest Blogger As a bonus feature, please head...

What’s Coming?

Thanks to Google we launched this website WAY ahead of schedule. Thank you for your patience with some initial bugs and formatting issues. We have big plans for this site – things we couldn’t do while limited to just social media. While we’ll still...
How to Add a Profile Photo to your Comments

How to Add a Profile Photo to your Comments

A number of people have asked why some people have a profile photo next to their name and others don’t. If you’d like to have your photo just go to Gravatar and create an account. Wait a few minutes for your changes to propagate, and then next time you...