What’s Coming?

December 22, 2018

Thanks to Google we launched this website WAY ahead of schedule. Thank you for your patience with some initial bugs and formatting issues. We have big plans for this site – things we couldn’t do while limited to just social media. While we’ll still be sharing to the various social media sites, this website will be the hub of all things Scavenger. If you haven’t signed up for email updates please do so here.  With Google already moving the end date of G+ up by 4 months… who knows if it will be moved again. We don’t want to lose track of you!

The Scavenger Hunt wouldn’t be the Hunt without the Scavengers.

The Scavenger Hunt which was started by Chrysta Rae 7 years ago, is not about winning, who is better, or best. It is about the community, learning and growing, creating long lasting friendships and pushing our creative boundaries.

-Lauri Novak

We want YOU to be a part of this website and upcoming private network. We already had a vote about the domain name, we may also have future votes now that the rush of reveals are over.   


So what’s coming next? (in no particular order)

  • Our own private network!  Like G+ we’ll have an all time and one for the current round. It will be fun, functional and all ours. Algorithm free, mobile friendly, and private. An invitation to join will be coming out sometime between now and mid-January.
  • An ongoing blog with updates, articles, Dream Team Profiles, past Judge’s profiles, past winner’s profiles and more! We started reaching out to past winners, judges before getting surprised by Google. If you’d like to contribute, please fill out the form below. You don’t have to be a winner or a judge by the way! We’re looking for Behind the Scenes, Tutorials, Hunt Memories, as well as stories about how the Hunt has helped your photography.
  • A fancy new Logo! I have no idea what it’ll look like, but I know it’ll be perfect. 
  • Hunt History! After 24 Rounds a lot has happened – so many colors, styles, and subjects. We’re trying to find early winners and albums.  We have every winner from Round 14 on – the earlier ones are what we are missing. If you have a record of them please let us know. (you can use the form below) Thank you Debbie DeBaeremaker for the complete list of words. 
  • A new way to upload images! YAY! 😀 With G+ going away, we’ve been testing a few ways to do this, and have settled on one. We’ll probably do a test run with a fun photo just to work out the kinks and let everyone get used to it before the mad rush of submitting photos. We’re going to try and automate as much as possible, while keeping it easy for everyone to submit. We know there will be a learning curve for all of us though. More on this later. 
  • Better organization of the galleries. This round was a “hey lets try this on the site now” decision. Shortly all of this round’s albums, judges and Dream Team Picks will be consolidated to one master page. All of your comments on the photos will stay intact, it’s just another way to navigate to them. 
  • Some actual styling to the pages. They are stark, and I know several commented that you liked the minimal look. The galleries will likely stay that way to showcase the images. But there needs to be a little life to the site! All I really did was grab a font, and a single color (out of Carla’s photo). The end. I’m waiting to see what magic the logo will have before proceeding further. 
  • An FAQ section – I’ve been gathering a list of commonly asked questions during reveals about the site, and the Hunt in general. Lauri has provided me with a few more. If there’s a trend in the form below, I’ll also answer those in the FAQ
  • Boring stuff – Privacy, GDPRification, TOS, Speed improvements, etc. (like I said, this was released completely backwards of normal!)
  • AND MORE!  I know there will be more.  I suggested a couple crazy things to Lauri the other day. They need thinking through and probably heavily revised and maybe tossed in the dumpster and lit on fire, but there are ideas floating around. If there’s something you’d like to see on the website, private community or just out there let us know. We can’t promise everything, and not right away, but we welcome all ideas.

One addition you may or may not have noticed is there’s a submit feedback/report bug link in the top menu. Please use that if you found a specific problem, there are links to upload screen shots as well. 

If you would like to write a guest blog post or have a specific idea, you can use the form at left. If you mix them up, it doesn’t really matter, it all goes to the same place and people. 

Thank you again everyone for your patience and enthusiasm! ♥


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  1. Bretta Elmore

    You guys are doing an amazing job!!!! Thanks SO much for finding us a new home!! =)

    • Hunt

      Thanks Bretta!!

  2. Anonymous

    Life don’t get any better than a scavenger’s hunt.
    so grateful too all that make this happen

  3. Lori Alexander

    I love the scavenger hunt. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible.


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