R40 Category Winners – Chosen

March 3, 2024


Winners of the Chosen Category

Featured Image by Dianne Wegner

Number of Images

Patti Cherry

1st • Walter Duvall
2nd • Julie Wall
3rd • Frances Vugteveen
Honorable Mentions: • Laura Mcleod • Joanna Koziara • Tammy Eplingl • Wendy Tymchyshyn • Karen Dunham

Sandy Davis

1st • Michal Vörös
2nd • Annie Petrick
3rd • Cathy Custer Donohoue
Honorable Mentions: • Chris Allen • Kathleen Kent • Isabelle Cardinal • Dianne Wegner • Tammy Epling

Dave DeBaeremaeker

1st • Eva Ryan
2nd • Kevin Epling
3rd • Mary Wardell
Honorable Mentions: • Debbie DeBaeremaeker Kathleen Kent Stephen Maddox Michal Vörös Debbie Clayton

Stacey Moore

1st • Debbie DeBaeremaeker
2nd •Michal Vörös
3rd • Charlotte Thérèse Björnström
Honorable Mentions: • Dawn Ellen Miller •  Bryan Finster •  Melanie Osterholm •  Debbie Clayton •  Mary Wardell

Entries are submitted by photographers worldwide. Please be accepting and aware of interpretations and cultural values that may differ from what you find acceptable or normal. We are here to learn, support, and push ourselves creatively. Out of the box thinking is highly encouraged.


  • To search the album by photographer’s name use the search bar at the head of the album view.
  • To see images at higher resolution, click on any thumbnail to open up the slideshow view.
  • In slideshow view leave comments by clicking on the caption button below each image.
  • View on a desktop computer for the best experience.

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