Round 26 Scavenger Blog Posts

December 1, 2019

Many Scavengers have Blogs and write up wonderful posts about their albums. For each round we’ll collect and post them for all to read. If I’ve (Elizabeth) have missed yours, please send me or Lauri a message via the Might Network. They are fun to revisit, and help get everyone excited for the next round.

If you’d like to write a stand alone article to be published on our Blog, please also let Lauri or I know. We love the Scavenger Stories and more detailed tutorials. We’ll still link to your website and/or social media sites at the end of the article.

Isabelle Hurbain-Palatin

The Round 26 of the Photography Scavenger Hunt took place in the past couple of months, and the reveals are all done. We had 10 words for this Hunt, all related to the Wizard of Oz… which I haven’t seen! But oh well, the words could be interpreted in any way, as usual, so that was not a big issue.

Stuart Vivian

For this round of the Scavenger Hunt, I went a bit of a different direction. I didn’t really get any flashes of inspiration for any composites or studio shots that I’ve done in the past. This round I found most of my shots whilst out and about on holiday and on days out with the family. A bit of creative processing on some of them, but apart from “Rainbow” these are all single shots.

Maayan Windmuller

When I think of wizards, Gandalf the Grey always comes to mind first. What I like the most about him are his kind heart and affection for hobbits and other creatures, making him rather a grandfatherly figure than a mighty sorcerer.

Dave DeBaeremaeker

These are my entries for the 26th round of the Scavenger Hunt. It was a bit of an unusual round as I won the last time, and therefore was a judge this round. This means I wasn’t eligible for the competition this time around (conflicts of interest and all). However I was still able to have work in the reveal albums, which is the best part anyway.

Marsha Leigh

Click to read a collection of posts by Marsha about each of her shots for Round 26

Alan Bland

Now that reveals for Round 26 of the Photography Scavenger Hunt have concluded, I will share the before and after pictures for my entries, with a little behind the scenes commentary.

The word list for Round 26: Courage, Coward, Curtain, Home, Monkey, Rainbow, Road, Selective Color, Sepia and Wizard. Yep, a list with a Wizard of Oz theme. Some people used Oz as inspiration for their images, but I avoided Oz references in mine.

Chris Goldthorpe

This is a splash shot which won one honorable mention and one first place in the 26th Scavenger Hunt. The category was “Selective Color”.




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